The Award module is used to track and maintain funded awards. It includes a complete history of changes from notice of award through closeout. When a proposal is funded, a user (usually from the sponsored projects office) links an Award record to an Institutional Proposal, which populates the Award with information from the linked proposal that can then be modified and supplemented as needed.
An award budget can be initiated by pulling in the budget from a corresponding proposal and then be modified as needed or it can be created from scratch from within the Award.
This module organizes and displays the due dates and statuses of required reports that meets the needs of various audiences. Every individual report entered as a sponsor requirement in each Award is captured and utilized by the Award Report Tracking module to generate lists of report requirements.
At the click of a button, three standard report views are available, and queries may also be modified and then sorted and grouped to tailor a report to suit individual needs.
The Subaward module is used to track detailed information on outgoing subawards to ensure compliance with sponsor and institution requirements. It includes the ability to track pass-through entity and subreceipient contacts as well as the history of funds released and the anticipated amount to be funded. It provides for the collection of data necessary to populate FDP subaward templates and the ability to generate FDP Subaward Agreements and Modifications.