
Navigating IRB Software: What Every Research Administrator Needs to Know

By October 1, 2024 No Comments
IRB Software for research administration

Given the evolving complexity of research administration, the day-to-day tasks of research administrators must similarly evolve over time. One specific reason for adaptation is the Institutional Review Board (IRB) and its ever-changing ethical standards. When the IRB establishes a new mandate or guidelines, research institutions must comply and adjust their processes to match. To help with this challenge, specialized IRB software enables institutions to follow best practices as well as requirements.

In this article, we’ll explain what research administrators should know about IRB software. We’ll also discuss some key features and attributes that can help you choose the right application for your institution. Let’s get started.

IRB Software: What Is It?

Before we jump into specifics, it’s essential to understand the fundamental role of IRB software. As mentioned, research institutions have to comply with the Institutional Review Board, which can be demanding and complicated. This is where IRB software comes into play. With its customizable tools and functions, IRB software is designed to facilitate the IRB process by consolidating features like protocol submissions, reviews, and approvals all into one interface. This makes the job of a research administrator easier and less cumbersome. 

Successful IRB software allows an institution to automate tasks such as tracking IRB submissions, managing documentation that is critical to the process, and communicating processes with relevant researchers. This level of administrative support becomes even more significant when you consider how much time energy goes into research administration. On the whole, institutions that have the right software in place are significantly better off.

Features to Consider when Selecting an IRB Software

When evaluating IRB software options, there are several key features that we suggest research administrators prioritize:

  • Management capabilities: Ensure your IRB software has robust management capabilities. Features such as customizable forms, automated notifications, and real-time tracking of submissions help simplify the submission process for researchers and ensure that critical protocols can be reviewed promptly.
  • Reporting capabilities: The ideal software should provide tools for generating reports about protocol status, reviewer activity, and compliance metrics. Generating such data will also allow your institution to finetune further processes.
  • Integration capabilities: Choosing an IRB software that “speaks” with your other applications and offers a seamless integration drastically improves efficiency. Successful integration with apps that oversee HR databases, financial management, and other tech applications can significantly enhance the value of the software itself.
  • User-Friendliness, Support and Accessibility

Why Usability Matters

IRB processes are demanding and complex – but that doesn’t mean the software has to be difficult to use.

Like other software, IRB software should be designed to accommodate users with various experience levels. This will ensure that both novice and seasoned users are able to perform their necessary functions. Also, the software should be intuitive, with knowledge growth over time and repetition. This way, should a senior user take a leave of absence or part ways with the institution, critical processes can still be tackled.

Additionally important is the availability of training and continued support from the software developers. Ideally, your software vendor should offer comprehensive training materials, such as onboarding training, user sessions, and an annual conference, to help users get the most out of the platform. Even after the system is deployed, your developers should offer responsive customer support that is essential for addressing any technical issues that may arise.

Security and Data Privacy for IRB Software

Many institutions dealing with research that is highly confidential or has considerations such as the involvement of human subjects. That is why data security and privacy is so important. A responsible IRB software developer will do everything they can to take steps and precautions to protect data. This includes measures like cloud-based architecture, SOC2 Certification, and much more.

To further protect users, the ideal IRB software should provide secure access controls, such as user authentication and role-based permissions. This ensures ensure that only authorized individuals can access sensitive data. Additionally, data encryption should be employed to protect information when it’s shared across a collaborative environment. Additional compliance with European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), may also be essential depending on geographic considerations and the types of data involved.

Scalability and Customizability

Like many things in life, institutions grow with time. An IRB software should not only assess your current needs – but strive to be future proof as well. That is why we believe scalability and customization are critical factors to consider when choosing IRB software:

  • Scalability ensures that the software can handle an increasing volume of submissions and users as your institution grows in size and complexity. 
  • Customization allows you to tailor the software to meet your institution’s unique needs. 

While many institutions are pleased to find IRB software that meets their current requirements, it is also important to mention these requirements can change, making both scalability and customization important factors to consider.

Initial Cost of IRB Software and Return on Investment

Once you start comparing IRB software, you’ll find that costs can vary. Starter products that have a “lite” IRB function may be appealing from a sticker price perspective, but they may fall short on requirements. Conversely, the highest priced software does not always equate to the best in class. What you will want to look for is the best fit, with a cost that is fair and reasonable for your institution. Keep in mind that highly specialized software like this is developed and maintained by experts, and the costs are well justified for the right solution and partner.

So, what is ROI and why does it matter when it comes to selecting an IRB software?

Return on investment (ROI) can be described as the expected value an investment (in this case IRB software) can deliver. As mentioned before, the right software provides long-term value by improving processes and gaining efficiency. For many institutions, the benefits over time include an increase in productivity, a simplified workflow, and a reduction of rekeying and redundancy. This allows professionals to spend more time on meaningful tasks and enables individuals to advance in their careers by gaining more in-demand skills.

When thinking about ROI, it’s helpful to consider the commitment your software vendor is also making to you and your institution. Factors like ongoing upgrades, a help desk, trainings, and responsiveness to feedback should all count towards calculating ROI and the best-fit vendor. Ultimately, the IRB software that is designed to exceed your expectations, with a top-notch development team behind it, is the right choice. 

Conclusion: IRB Software is an important choice

As we’ve discussed, choosing the right IRB software is a critical decision for research administrators. In terms of outcomes, adopting a on new IRB software has far-reaching implications for both efficiency and compliance. By understanding the key features to look for, such as protocol management, compliance capabilities, user-friendliness, security, scalability, cost, and vendor reputation, you can make an informed decision that supports your institution’s research goals. 

If you are in the market for new IRB software, or eRA software as a whole, please reach out to us. We will be happy to share our guidance and expertise to help ensure you make an informed decision. We will also showcase the IRB capabilities of and Streamlyne Research software and how this robust platform will set your institution up for success.

Looking forward to hearing from you!