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Consulting Clinics

Consulting Expertise & Skills Transfer

Consulting expertise and skills transfer are offered as a follow-on to workshops, where techniques that were learned are applied to the client’s current programs. The goal is to teach client to handle their problems themselves. Consulting typically involves working on a specific initiative like process modeling, assessment, and redesign of some sort. As part of that, there are stakeholder interviews, development of an approach and session plans, facilitation of process discovery, mapping, assessment, and redesign sessions. Documentation of session materials or PowerPoints summarizing accomplishments are also provided. Consulting also includes facilitating other types of sessions, preparing and delivering presentations, and generally providing advice.

Streamlyne X Clinic

The Streamlyne X Clinic is a free-form mix of education, consulting, and working on a client problem. The goal is to learn a specific topic in-depth, at a more rapid pace than one of the workshops. This is meant for a more experienced audience that doesn’t need introductory workshops. The idea behind the clinic is to offer advice and training specific to the needs of the group as opposed to a structured workshop like “Working With Business Processes.” Some time is spent before the clinic day discovering the needs of the client and crafting an agenda. It begins with introductions and level-setting, but then switches to review the plan, which is either accepted or revised as a group. The day is very organic and typically provided for 7 to 10 people.  There are one or two days of structured Q&A, informal presentations, and use of materials from workshops or conference presentations. Participants can pick the instructor’s brain on techniques that they want to employ on a current initiative.

Streamlyne X Transformation Challenge

The Streamlyne X Transformation Challenge is a platform for achieving practical results through specific, implementable changes within an Agile timeframe. The goal is to get something substantial done within two to five days, depending on scope and complexity. This is meant for participants with a specific project that they need to work on and get results soon. These may vary in format, but are typically either one day of interviews followed by facilitated sessions, or moving straight into two to five days of sessions. Because these follow a carefully crafted methodology, employing simple but effective techniques, they have been very effective at producing specific, implementable process change recommendations. The feature-based approach to process design allows these changes to be implemented iteratively, in an Agile fashion.

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That's the Streamlyne Way!